+86-571-8627 3270
Jiangsu Westpoint Pharmaceutical Accessories Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu, China
CNY 61.8 Million
4662 m²
50-100 people
Main Products: Microcrystalline Cellulose / Co-Processed Microcrystalline Cellulose and Colloidal Silicon Dioxide
Jiangsu, China
Jiangsu Westpoint Pharmaceutical Accessories Co., Ltd. is an enterprise that cooperates with the American technical team and focuses on the R & D, production and sales of national standard pharmaceutical excipients. The main products include microcrystalline cellulose series, pretreatment auxiliary materials series and sterile auxiliary materials series, all of which have the same quality and performance level as American FMC, which represents the highest level in the same industry. Based on the continuous improvement of China's pharmaceutical level and the comprehensive international integration of pharmaceutical regulations and standards, especially the "consistency evaluation", the company will comprehensively improve the technical level and product quality level of the pharmaceutical industry. The company will develop advanced pharmaceutical excipient technology and realize the international integration of pharmaceutical excipient technology and quality. Based on the development needs of the pharmaceutical industry and the company's deep experience in CMO business and European and American Standard R / D, imported excipients must be fully used in preparation products. Therefore, the company has conducted sufficient market research and product technology research, and gradually commercialized the developed products
Basic Information
Tax ID
Jiangsu, China
Year Established
Registered Capital
CNY 61.8 Million
Business Type
Total Employees
50-100 people
Quality Management Certificate
Total Annual Revenue
Enterprise Ownership
Private Owned
Is This Your Own Factory
Summary Up
The main products include microcrystalline cellulose series, pretreatment auxiliary materials series and sterile auxiliary materials series, all of which have the same quality and performance level as American FMC, which represents the highest level in the same industry
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